Learn More
Christianity is a journey, one where we learn more, and grow and change as we experience God in our lives and in the lives of our neighbors. St. Michael's offers several ways to learn more about the Episcopal Church, the Bible, and living into our promise to love God, love our neighbors, and love ourselves.
During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we as a faith community are not able to gather for in-person worship and formation. We are, however, still able to gather with each other online, with God in private study and prayer, and, when reasonably safe, in small groups to learn and live our faith. Information on this page includes resources on how to practice your faith at home, information on our current online classes, and guides for study and prayer at home.
During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we as a faith community are not able to gather for in-person worship and formation. We are, however, still able to gather with each other online, with God in private study and prayer, and, when reasonably safe, in small groups to learn and live our faith. Information on this page includes resources on how to practice your faith at home, information on our current online classes, and guides for study and prayer at home.
Learn More about The Episcopal Church
We offer regular classes to learn more about the Episcopal Church. If you are interested, the book we use is Walk in Love. The book shares information about the liturgical year, habits of daily prayer, Anglican spirituality, and how prayer shapes our beliefs. Our next class will be offered in the fall.
Learn More about The Bible
St. Michael's offers two regular Bible studies that currently meet via Zoom - a Friday morning Bible study and a Saturday morning Bible study. For more information or to get a Zoom link, please contact the Church Office.